Ohio Property Owners: Important – Review Tax Bills to Determine Assessments – March 31, 2020 Deadline

Sleggs, Danzinger & Gill, Co., LPA serves both Ohio property owners and property owners nationwide. The firm is a member of the National Property Tax Group (NPTG), a national affiliation of tax attorneys and consultants allowing SD&G to assist property owners nationwide. For additional information regarding our national practice and NPTG, please visit the website at http://nptg.com/

Ohio Deadline Approaching

Ohio property owners know that real estate values in many counties have stabilized but some properties are still under performing.

The deadline for Ohio property owners to file a complaint against the January 1, 2019 Assessment of Real Property in any county in Ohio is March 31, 2020.

The following counties in Ohio have reappraised or updated their real property values for the Tax Year 2019, so a review of property values in these counties and all Ohio counties should be performed.

ohio property owners

We are available to assist you in all aspects of the property tax process, including:
• Conducting the initial review of your assessment
• Negotiating with the applicable taxing authorities before values are finalized
• Preparing the filing the Tax Compaint
• Litigating the Tax Appeal before all of the available forums
For further information and assistance, please contact our office at 216 771-8990 or use our simple CONTACT FORM.

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